SUNDAYS: 9:00 & 10:45 A.M.

WEDNESDAYS: 6:00 - 7:30 P.M.

First Kids

We are so glad that you decided to check us out.  Our Mission is Love God, Love People, Go.  Our vision for Kids Ministry is simple: connect kids to Jesus and other kids.  From cradle to middle school, our prayer is to see your child come into a relationship with Jesus and grow deeper in that relationship. Our kids discipleship pathway will help guide your child to learn how to Love God, Love Others, and Go.  We want your family to experience community, grow spiritually, and build relationships here at First Mt. Juliet.

Birth PreK, KIndergarten - 5th


The Preschool Ministry of First Mt. Juliet is an environment created ESPECIALLY for infants (six weeks) all the way to four/five year olds (pre-kindergarten). We can’t wait to meet you and your child! We know things are busy at this stage of life and your child is learning and growing in amazing ways, so we are ready!

We believe in an active, hands-on approach to learning with preschoolers. So, you can expect a lot of jumping, singing, dancing, and laughter in every experience. Be on the lookout for fun crafts and big games. 

We look forward to helping your preschooler learn more about God. It is our hope that your child will learn:

  • God loves me.
  • God cares for me. 
  • No matter what happens,
  • God loves all people.


  • We partner with parents as the spiritual leaders of their household equipping them on how to better disciple their child(ren). 
  • We have two full hours planned for your child(ren) on Sunday mornings and one full hour of content planned for your child(ren) on Wednesday nights (August-May).
  • Babies and young toddlers will be loved on and prayed for as they interact with their leaders through play, book reading, and stroller rides. Encouraging praise music is played in all of our classrooms as well as Bible verses posted regularly to create an inviting and uplifting environment for our little ones.
  • Our older preschoolers will be exposed to two different types of learning environments on Sunday mornings. We have one hour dedicated to our LifeGroups. This is a time where the kids will learn a Bible lesson, get the lesson reinforced through activities and crafts, and also have a time of prayer and application with the same leaders every week. Our second hour of programming is called Preschool Worship. This is when our preschoolers get to join other classes in a large group time singing, dancing, and learning about God all together. They also have time for an activity/craft as well as free play in their classrooms. 
  • On Wednesday nights, we have Midweek Kids! This is when our toddlers and preschoolers learn about missions, music, and recreation. At First Mt. Juliet, we think it is important to train the next generation to go into the world sharing the Gospel with others. This value is instilled in our kids on Wednesdays through Midweek Kids.



At First Mt. Juliet Kids, we believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud, and good leaders always care. Before kids head off to middle school, we want to make sure these three things stick: 

  • Good and bad things happen, but God still loves us. 
  • I can learn to respond in a positive way to what happens to me and others. 
  • I can live with joy regardless of my circumstances. 

While parents are in worship, children will experience Kids Worship with music, games, and a Bible lesson. Then in LifeGroups time they will dive more into the Bible lesson from Kids Worship and learn how to apply the Bible to their life.  

The focus of First Mt. Juliet Kids is our small group environment. We want kids to see how God's Word fits into their lives, to learn how to talk to Him, and to build friendships that will last. That's why it's important to make sure your child connects with the same friends and same leaders.


Missed church? We've got you covered with Church at Home. Each Sunday we post new Kids Worship, Bible Lessons, and Games.


Kids Volunteers

Make a Godly impression in the hearts of kids! Present Bible lessons and fun activities from the curriculum provided that connect kids to God’s truths. Lead teachers and helper opportunities are available. Check out our Serve@First initiative for all the places available to serve at First Baptist Mt. Juliet!

Like to meet new people and help others? We need friendly folks to greet guest families, assign kids to classes, and help families find their way around campus. Help form a positive first impression for families and make everyone feel loved as they come and go.

Be a part of a rotating team that chooses weekly music and motions from our music library. Introduce new kid-friendly worship songs.

Help us assist with audio, video, and lighting to enhance a child’s worship experience.

If you'd like to learn more about volunteering with FirstKids, check out our Serve@First page. 



Visiting us for the first time? No fear! Look for first time Guest Kids Check-In when you arrive. We will meet your family, check your child into class and one of our volunteers will lead your child to their age appropriate room. You can register your children before you arrive, click the button below to create your KidCheck account. We can't wait to meet you!

KidCheck Secure Check-In System

You can feel safe leaving your children in our care! All of our Kids Leaders are background checked and trained to work with your child's age group! We also proudly use a secure check-in system to help keep your kids safe. It's super convenient, fast, and easy. Watch the video to learn more!



The safety of children on our campus is our first priority. When you first arrive, a Kids Team Member will greet you and guide you through the initial guest check-in process. Returning families can create a secure KidCheck account and check in at one of our kiosks or use the express check-in app. Controlled-access doors and our very own security team members are present to ensure the safety of each child.

Nursing Mothers Room

First Mt. Juliet has a Nursing Mothers Room equipped with a changing table, diaper changing supplies, a couch, and rocking chairs. It is located near The Commons entrance - this room has a TV for you to view the worship service while you are in the room. There is also a family restroom near The Commons with a changing station and supplies.



Contact Us!

David Love
Children's Ministry Director

Michelle Steinman
Preschool Coordinator


David Love

David Love

Children's Ministry Director
Michelle Steinman

Michelle Steinman

Preschool Coordinator