Revealing Revelation
- Ladies Equip Group
- Revealing Revelation by Amir Tsarfati
- Teacher: Linda Sloan
- Tuesday mornings @ 9:30: Jan. 14-22
- Room: Student Center
Amir Tsarfati is a Messianic Jew living in Israel, and his teaching on biblical prophecy offers a unique and insightful perspective. Dr. David Jeremiah describes Amir as someone who “uses biblical truths” rather than speculation, providing clarity on topics like the Rapture, the Antichrist, and the Great Tribulation.
Through his teaching, Amir examines the roles of various nations in the end times, showing how current events align with Scripture and fulfill biblical prophecies. Most importantly, he emphasizes that the book of Revelation is not just about future events—it’s the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Revelation is the culmination of God’s plan, revealing both His glory and the hope that believers have through Jesus.
With over 2,000 prophecies in the Bible, Amir uses Scripture to highlight the truth of Revelation, guiding us through this powerful letter God has written to His people. His goal is to reveal the joy of our salvation and the incredible hope we have in Christ as we study God’s Word.